
Talking to myself and feeling old
Sometimes I'd like to quit
Nothing ever seems to fit
Hangin' around, nothing to do but frown
Rainy days and Mondays always get me down

What I've got they used to call the blues
Nothing is really wrong
Feeling like I don't belong
Walking around some kind of lonely clown
Rainy days and Mondays always get me down

Funny but it seems I always wind up here with you
It's nice to know somebody loves me

Funny but it seems that it's the only thing to do
To run and find the one who loves me

What I feel is come and gone before
No need to talk it out
We know what it's all about
Hanging around, nothing to do but frown
Rainy days and Mondays always get me down

Funny but it seems that it's the only thing to do
Run and find the one who loves me

Hangin around, nothing do to but frown
Rainy days and Mondays always get me down

看著灰灰的天空 心情也跟著潮濕了起來

幾乎已掉光葉子的樹木 整齊的排列著

滿地枯黃的落葉 開始漸漸腐爛

一切靜待著 冬天的來臨


抬起頭 看著陰暗天空下聳立著的枯枝

附著在它們之上的心情 又會是什麼?


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