
在寫這篇時 我修改了好幾次
Well, I revise several times when I’m writing this article.
I don’t know how to describe it exactly.
The care and friendship you given to me
甚至你們都看不懂中文 仍會不定時的來看我的網誌
Even you don’t understand Chinese but you still try to watch my blog when you have time.
你們也樂於傾聽關於我的一切 然後跟著我的心情而起伏著
You also love to listen to everything about me then just following my emotion to identify with me.
這一切 真的讓離開家鄉這麼遠的我 非常感動 也很謝謝你們
All of you done to me who left my hometown so far away is really touched and also appreciated.
自從上次在我離開前 我們第一次一起吃晚餐
Since last dinner we had before I left,
從那一刻開始我就知道我們對彼此來說 將會是人生裡一個很特別的角色
I knew we will play a very special role in each other’s life.
我們互相分享著故事 分享著我們的文化 然後發現我們的共同性 或是那些我們很不一樣的地方
We shared our stories, shared our cultures, we found our common gender or those quit difference between us.
雖然Petr不會講英文 但我們卻也能了解對方
Although Petr can’t speak English but somehow we still can understand each other as well.
我很想念你們 能夠再見到你們並再跟你們聊聊天 我也非常開心
I miss you so much, so I’m very glad to meet you again and to have a chat with you again.
但請原諒我 有一天我還是要回到我的家鄉 回到那個有著我的家人 我的朋友 我愛的人的地方
But please forgive me, I must go back to my hometown someday, back to the land where has my family, my friends and my beloved.
Our friendship last forever! Just let us give the best wish to both of us in the each side of the world!
最後 恭喜你們即將要結婚了 希望你們能夠永遠永遠都如此相愛 然後能夠有著很美好的人生
In the last, Congratulations that you’re getting married soon, I hope you can always treasure your love from each other and also can own a very wonderful life.

Thank you Kate & Petr! I love you!

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